Why have a website?

Websites are a great form of advertising, a great time saver, and a great money saver.

Use your website to showcase your products and services. Have as many photos as you want, let your customers know about new product as soon as they are released - or even before! Your website should be your shop window, and now your shop can be accessible 24 hours every day - wherever you are.

Your sales teams can use the site as a tool - pointing customers to examples, brochures, customer testimonials on the web immediately. No more waiting for posted brochures to arrive!

Plus think of the savings - your customers download brochures, documents, manuals, forms themselves. No postage fees, no envelopes, no storage costs. And no 'stale' stationery - your new brochure is updated and on-line immediately.

Save time too - do you spend half your time on the phone telling people the same old thing? How to get to your offices? The nearest parking? Your fax number? Your price list? Put it all on-line, let your customers get the information from the website, and spend your time making more sales.

Of course, websites are not only for businesses. Tourist attractions can benefit from world-wide exposure; sports clubs can post fuxtures, results, and teams, plus up-and-coming events; schools can advertise fundraising events, sponsorship opportunities, and parent information.

Recruiting staff? Put your vacancies on-line with detailed job descriptions, so you only get enquiries from relevant candidates. Running a motel? Show potential customers when you are busy, or push specials for times when you are not. In a band? Tell your crowd where you are gigging - include a snippet of your music for the uninitiated.

There really is no limit to the benefits a website can bring - if planned and executed properly. Let's have a chat, so we can determine exactly what benefits a website will bring to you.


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